Senior Year Matters

Hurrah! I’m a senior! Did you say or think something similar in the past few weeks? How long did your excitement last before you became overwhelmed by your seemingly endless to-do list? Probably not too long. Many of you are preparing to dive head first into the college application process, which may be equal parts exciting and terrifying. You might be tempted to let it take over your life, and at some points you might feel like it has.

So I’d like to offer a few words of advice. As you spend time writing your essay, figuring out your parents’ job titles, memorizing your social security number and squeezing in campus visits and interviews, don’t forget to continue being the amazing student and person that you’ve always been. In the minds of admission officers-and certainly those of us at Holy Cross-senior year matters, and it matters a lot. This is the year when you have the greatest opportunity to show off your talents in and out of the classroom. You didn’t sign up for all those upper level courses or take on leadership roles just for show, did you?

As you start to focus on your applications, try not to let school-or life-take a permanent back seat. You’ve worked hard to get where you are, and we can’t wait to see what you’ll do next.

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