A New Year and A New Reading Season

Tran Many of you are probably breathing sighs of relief right now as you finalize and finally submit your applications for college.  For us in the office, we’re just getting warmed up as the applications fly into our reading bins.  At this point in the year, we start to buckle down at home and in the office shedding our heels and ties so if you swing by, don’t be surprised to see us romping about in jeans and sneakers.  And if we’re at home, most of us are probably decked out in our favorite bathrobes and slippers.  Because we read using a pencil, many of us, if not all, have finally chosen our season’s pencils that promise never ending writing comfort for the next two months but ultimately fall a bit short because the nature of this task that lies ahead dictates inevitable writing calluses at some point.  But no matter how tedious and sometimes unkind the task is, I have to admit that it’s one of my favorite parts of the job and I speculate that many of my colleagues would agree. I learn about different facets of young peoples’ lives that are funny, entertaining, whimsical, inspiring and sometimes sad.    I get to meet interesting and unique individuals from all over the country and even from various parts of the world, all without ever leaving my chair.

Tran Kim-Senior
Assistant Director of Admissions
Coordinator of Multicultural Recruitment

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