Tours Pick Up Again June 1st, But Feel Free to Visit!

LaurenThornton.BLOG2The flowers have begun to come into full bloom and the trees are finally full of green leaves again. Needless to say,  it is an absolutely beautiful day at Holy Cross.  Unfortunately, our students have just finished their spring semester classes and are eagerly (or begrudgingly) spending these gorgeous days locked away in the library preparing for their final exams.  Although our campus tours for the spring semester have officially come to an end, it does not mean that you as a prospective student cannot enjoy our campus during this beautiful month.  If you have some free time and want to visit during the month of May, you certainly may do so.  Feel free to stop by our office, fill out a walk-in visitor form and grab a map of campus to explore on your own.  We are more than happy to direct you and point out some of the highlights of campus to you and your family.

If you would like an official, student-lead tour of campus this summer, our summer tours will begin June 1st.  Please check our website for specific details about visiting this summer.


Lauren D. Thornton
Admissions Counselor

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