Sader Summer Scoop: Kerrin Mannion ’19



Name: Kerrin Mannion

Major/Minor/Concentration: English

Graduation Year: 2019

What are you doing this summer?: Internship






What exactly are you doing?: Boston Ballet School Marketing/Communications Intern

How did you hear about this opportunity?: Crusader Connections

What are you most excited about doing within this program?: I am excited to help with the school’s social media. I was an intern for Holy Cross Marketing’s social media so I’m looking forward to expanding the skills I learned there.

What are you hoping to gain from your experience?: I hope to enhance my writing skills and learn how to transfer them to a business setting. I also hope to learn about the brand and how it maintains its integrity through all of its communications.

Do you have any advice for prospective students thinking about doing an internship?: I think it’s best to keep an open mind when doing an internship. Sometimes there are aspects of the job that might not be exactly what you expected but it’s best to look at every moment as a learning opportunity. Even if there is a task you don’t like as much, it will help you weigh the pros and cons and determine whether you really want to pursue that field in the future.

When you were in high school, did you expect to have this opportunity in college?: I definitely did not expect to have this opportunity. I had always danced as a child throughout high school, so it is amazing to be able to help with the marketing initiatives for such a world renowned dance program.

Sader Summer Scoop: Milagros Montenegro ’18




Name: Milagros Montenegro

Major/Minor/Concentration: Sociology

Graduation Year: 2018

What are you doing this summer?: Internship





What exactly are you doing?: Research Assistant for Field Research Gallo-Cruz Worcester Women’s Activist

How did you hear about this opportunity?: Professor Gallo-Cruz

What are you most excited about doing within this program?: Placing my understanding of sociology into application.

What are you hoping to gain from your experience?: Learning more about the Worcester community through the stories of its women.

Do you have any advice for prospective students thinking about doing an internship?: Do what sounds exciting and challenging both academically and personally, that’s the only way you will grow as a student/person in the next four years.

When you were in high school, did you expect to have this opportunity in college?:No, but I am extremely fortunate and excited for it.


Interviewee Pastor Judy and she runs the LGBT Asylum Seekers Task Force here in Worcester.

Sader Summer Scoop: Emily Sullivan ’19




Name: Emily Sullivan

Major/Minor/Concentration: Psychology/Sociology

Graduation Year: 2019

What are you doing this summer?: Research





What exactly are you doing?: This summer, as a recipient of the Greisch Scholarship, Dr. Gallo-Cruz and I are analyzing both self-help books as well as memoirs which focus on the topic of dysfunctional families. We are coding these books for the types of dysfunction and the circumstances surrounding the situational or personal challenges they faced. Stemming from this, and most importantly, we are looking at how these people have overcome and moved past their difficult histories. Additionally, we are putting these codes into a coding software that allows us to compare across the different books.

How did you hear about this opportunity?: My sociology advisor, Dr. Gallo-Cruz, had previously created this project with a Holy Cross alumnus. She asked me to help her this summer in the next stage of the project, which I accepted.

What are you most excited about doing within this program?: This research allows me to put what I learn in the classroom into practice. Seeing the theories and concepts which I have learned map directly onto the cases that I am studying displays the direct correlation between theory, practice, and real world application.

What are you hoping to gain from your experience?: This experience gives me the opportunity to see what it is like to be a social scientist. Additionally, I will be participating in the Sociology Honors Program my senior year and this work will be helpful practice for me in creating my thesis.

Do you have any advice for prospective students thinking about doing research?: I would highly recommend doing summer research. It gives you a different perspective on the work that you do as a student as well as that of your professors. If you want to do summer research, talk to your advisors. They can directly assist you or help you find someone who can. Your advisors also know your strengths and weaknesses as well as the classes you have taken which also can help them send you in the right direction.

When you were in high school, did you expect to have this opportunity in college?: I did not expect to have this opportunity in college. Most people just think about the opportunities that you have during the academic year, but Holy Cross offers many different options for the summer as well that I didn’t even know about until I got here.